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  • Category : Health
  • Product : Blue Healthy Card
Healthy Nano Tech

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Blue Healthy Card

Ionized Card.

What is it?

It is an accessory with computerized quantum nanotechnology. Composed of crystals and minerals that generate 20,000 negative ions (anions) of quantum energy and also contains a microtrip, which through programming, generates waves of resonant frequencies that potentiates, refines and synchronizes the energy and electromagnetic fields of the living entities with which the accessory has contact.

But what are the ions?

They are molecules generated by nature that have lost an electron (positive charge) or have gained an electron (negative charge). Positive ions that are not good for the health are caused by radiation and are found in cell phones, microwaves, televisions, wi-fi, 4G, 5G, etc.

Negative ions are found in nature, for example, in trees, waterfalls, and especially on beaches and on the seashore. Once in our bloodstream, negative ions produce biochemical reactions that produce an improvement in mood and health by increasing our energy.

This accessory does not contain:

Electrical systems
Radioactive components

The accessory works in different fields of the organism:

  • Physical field:
    It increases stability, resistance, balance and strength increasing physical performance.
    It relieves pain and accelerates healing.
    It produces greater oxygenation, a purifying and detoxifying effect.
    It strengthens the immune system protecting us from viruses and bacteria, etc.
  • Mental field:
    It produces greater discernment, increases mental focus and memory.
  • Energy field:
    It raises the vibrational frequency.
    It rearranges, restores and widens the electromagnetic field.
    It produces greater energy balance and protection against negative energies.
    It unlocks energetic vortices.
  • Emotional field:
    It produces greater emotional stability.
    It produces greater willpower and motivation.
    It produces a feeling of inner peace.
    It improves sleep.

This information is an introduction as to what this device can do. However, as it is a quantum technology the device works independently in each person which depends on how the organism reacts in its physical, emotional, mental and energetic part and more. Also, some people may have a healing crisis presenting some discomforts such as: nausea, vomiting, headaches, diarrhea, changes in temperature and sweat, intense pain, emotional instability, changes in sleep etc. This happens because the accessory is working in the body. If these symptoms are very strong it is recommended to use it for a period of 2 or 3 hours at a time, then to stop using it for a few hours, and then use it again.

It is important to understand that the device does not cure any disease but rearranges your energetic parts, balancing them, at subatomic levels, which affect the body in a very positive way for health.

The accessory also ionizes water. The accessory is placed under a glass with water and after 15 minutes the water is ionized and alkalized.

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